Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 84, 27 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED, Baby Carriages OF ALL STY1LS, V|at& IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD” Sewin5 Machines O Hand Sewing Machines, LF*AŪ With the Latest In.proTtm«nt»^f3 PAELOK Organs, Gnitars, And OtherMnsienl Instmments. Wines, Liquors, Becr ALWATSON HAND. AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER 4 G0. King 8t.. oppo. Cast!e tz (‘-Kiko’a. - 1 —■ ! plaliona! īron Wop^ Qceex Stbeet, Between Alake-i «t Iltcbard Sts. THE UNI)ERSIGNED sre prepnred to make eli kinds of Iron Brass. Bronze, Zinc, Tin aud Lead Castings. AIso a General Rep.vir Shop fur St. .«ui Kngines, Rice MilK Com MilLs, Water Wheols, \Vind MiUs, ete. Maehines for the Cle.«ning of Coffee, Castor Oils,.tJtiins. ilan.se, Si«a2, Pineapple Leaves & otLer ritir>.ns I’ianla, And Paper Stoek Also Maehines for Eifiat);ng Starch from the Manioe, Arrow Root, ete. LtT All Orders promptlp atteuded to. WHITE, RITMAN tfl CO. HO YEN KEE & 00. Tinsinttbs aml dealcrs in Crockery ware, Glas&ware, etc. Water Pipes Laid and Repaired, PIumbing NealP’’ Rx. uted. Xo. 41 Nnuanu 8t.. between King and Hotel Slreets, Aseu Bui)di!.g. KW0NG SUfG CH0NG i 00. CorLtra.ctcr 6z Z3'CLilc3.ex &c. We also keep on hand Bedstēads, Mattrasses. . Tables. Bookcases. MiRRORS. Etc., AT THE L0WEST UARKET PRlCES Xo. 216 Kioe st.. Honoiulu de4 3ui