Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 84, 27 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kawaiahao Chuirh I \ Thursday Xext, Dec. 28 Doors open • :!#), eonuueuoe i*t 8 o’oIeK'k. Sp£c:al Grand Goncert The MISSES A 1,1(1 I11 aid of the Kawaiah.-n. Cbon*h FūQtl. ilsS!St 1 l>\ LEADfNG LOCAL TALBST. G:eat Progrōiam j Includiug Duets. Ho Sha i Foe.l His FU't - k irt>ni il»» 1 Messittb). I Kuow tt B:mk. To bo sung by the Missos A!ba. AI:ss J(jin Ai.nr wi'A sin<; l*ol>ort. toi que J aiiue, (Robert le Diable). T’ne L >st Ohonl, —AnpeL Ever Bright an<l F.iir. Mlss I\(>SE ALIU' G«KHlnight Boloveil (Bilfe), Liko no a Like. Buth. Entreat Me Xot to Lenve l’hee (Oounoil), anil iu> of popalar Mnsio. • Orgau āml Pi tuoforte Aoonmpanist Chornses, eto. l>est*rv t .i 9I; otb<?r p«irts. .‘>0 ctnfx Pliia ami Tickete nt L. f. I,, v. \ V, N B. To pr> ventm)’wiiing ilt th»-.1 >rs, t:ckets for ali p>itta on sale at i.. J, I.ev«y's. M. L. M. PLUSKETT. TSTot ieeTbe Fish Pond of Mannalnn en this Island, ia private propertv, and any persou fouud within the li oitsof the pondJfor auy purj>osc will be prosecuted. By order YIT LEK. de27 Iw PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corner King and Nuuana sti«cts. ED\\ . WOLTLK Mana;jer. The Finest selection of I,|(_>UORS ursl BEER, sold auywhere in Uie lown. First-class attendence. Call an l for yonrself. no SU-tf. Christmas Presents Tbe nndersigned beg leave to eall the attention to a large assortment of tastefnl and elegant Jewelr>-, suitable for Chiistmas Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Je\velry, a spe«.ialty. you want to boy an elegant and at the same time an ineipensive Cbristmas Pre«ent. eall around and inspect my stock. THOS. LIXDSAY, M (Tnfrcy Hloek, Fort Sr.Hoco Inha dccl tf Long Brancb BATHI N G Establishment. This First-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the' pnhlie. It ia th« best p’aeo on the islands to enjoy a bath mul tbere is uo bettcr plaee to lay otf. Special aeeommodations for Ladies Tramcars pass the door every balf hourand on Satnrdays and Sumlays every fifteen minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor.