Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 Kekemapa 1893 — The Kuokoa. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Kuokoa.

The Kuokoa is a paper pubhshed in the Hawaiian language, John Emmelulh, a member of the Advisory Oouneil is the raanager. In an editorial in Thursday’8 issue headed “The U. S. Minister comes out in his true colors,” are the following paragraphs. “Pres;dcnt Dole sent word to Mimster Willia that rumours were afloat that they cou!d rely on. that he was in couspiracy with the Queen ioHking pians. and wished to know if eueh were true.” “l'hal the Minister sent word in reply U> the government, asking for an appointment on Tuesday at 1, So to meet them At that hour he was there and read his eommuniealion to the goverument. He was there 12 minutes,” “That he asked thom to abo!ish the government, and restore the Queen.” Toe Kuokoa then says, “This Cleveland and Blount were just at Minister.” ‘Tt was DoIe tbal tore in pieces the dark c!oud oi’ their conspiracy.” “The community is now safe beeauae they nave found ont who their enemy is.” “He will have to stop his monkeying bu5iness.’’