Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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tiasiness dull. The doors of Fort Street Church were cloeed against worshipi>erg on Cbristmae dav.

Miss Eliot McCombe, sister of Purser McCorabe of the steamer Australia, was married in Han Fraccisco, on the 15th inst. to Mr. All>ert H. Busch of Los i,

Wm. Nevins Armstrong a foriuer minister nnder the Hawaiian monarcby arrived bv the Alameda. Mr. Armstrong is brother to tbe lately deceased principal of the Hum[>ton Iustitute, at Hampton Va.

St Andrew’s CatJiedral was well attended, at ail the services on Christmas duy by merabers of the Cougregation und friends. At the 9:30 service ofticers and men of H. B. M. S. Chumpion were present.

It if Ptated that tlie P. G. band is to give a raoonlight(?) concert this evening at tbe Hawaiian JIntel, commencing at 7:30 o’eloek. Bets , i are being offered wiih no takers. that the moon will not be on time. Everybody BhouId wait until the moon ri»eg.

Hon. H. P? Baldwin, the only conservative gentleman at the hehl January l6th last, arrived back from the coast by the Alamoda. Mr. Baldwin will proceed immediately to Makaweli, Kauai, to look after tho great sugar interests there located.

The boys of En<xine Co.’s Nos. 1 aud 2 displayed boughs of over"reen at their flagpole heads on Christmas day. In the eveniug No 2’s pole was illmninated by mastheaded iauterns while a gorgeons display, of many colored Iights, adorned the front of the house.

Purser 41 Snoith of the Kilauea Hou, an ex newspappr man, was baptised in the brinv, off of Paauhau, Hawaii. one day !ast week. The surprise of the immersion waa nothing in comparison with the objection to the enforced contact with the water, but no serious resuils are expected.

San Francisco papers state that the Un;ted Press scooped the Hawaiiau oorres|K>ndent of the Associated Press, in the uews per Arawa. Both correspoudents Lave now l>eeu ordered to make impartial aud not partisau or bi;ised reports. The Examiner correspandent’8 story caused the desire for straight news in the Associated Press ageut.

Tbe U. S. Reveuue Catter Convin left port here for San Francisco at 3:30 a. m., on S«nday morning. Her departare had l»eeu expected as it vras kuowu at 11:30 p. m. Satunlay eveniug. that ber anchors had been hove short. Tbe vessel carries forward the answer given by the Provisional Government to the Amenean Minister‘s requost to restore the authority of the goverument to tbe rightfol owner aud whieh answer is, devoid of its verbiage, decidedly negative.

The import trade cf thia coantry wiih San Francisco, for the pa«t quarter wiil ?how a great falling off.

At the N'<jtre Dame du Paix Catbedral, in thie c;ty. the Christmas service were attended by large cn>wds of people. In theafternoon the Rt. Rev. Biahop of Panopolie anveiled a new and beautiful bronz» stafue ofthe Virgin Mary in her character as the s.iinted patrones« of the Cathedrai,

Marshal Hiieheoek received an imdeserved cuuing at the hands of two of the empIoyees of the Department, on last Christmas day. Deputy Marsbal Brown and Detective Wm. .Lars en were the principle actors is the atfair.

The imported P. G. band members under the in«tructions of H Berger, has fo!lowed in tbe probab!y heathenish, custom of their immediate predecessors and act the part of Christmas waits, gathering up all the perquisitea in wine and wassail thereto be!onging. The eomhinialion played at severa! residences Christmas morning and their efforts were so artistic and have heen so mheh appreciated that members of the Portugue*e band have fled irom town feanng arrest for disturbing the quiet of the night.