Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 Kekemapa 1893 — An Incident. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

An Incident.

Ouh of the kamaaiuaa who returued to this city by the steamer latel}', may perhaps recollect au iucideut iu whieh he was a participant lt was a uight, about eleven or twelve years *go, and if memory is correct it wjs Christmas eve. Was a government ollieial at th» time. lu compauy wiih ouo or two otbers he paid a l«te vis»t to the residence of a lady. 8he had retired, but that made no ditference, she bad to nse, dress herself, and eame downstairs to meet the callers. lhat they had already made aeveral ealU was evideut from their manner and looks. One of them—mueh to the surprise of the lady—tied bis coat around his waist aud proceeded to dance Ihe huUi. l)uring the course of conversation he made ihe remark myfather has buned enongh bibles in that lot to bniid a church. That gentleman is now a sapporter of the provisijmal governmeut against ihe restoration of a heaihen monarchy. By ihe way, it ia believed that after ail tbeir calls wexe n»ade, whieh took ali night, the party went to an early church servico to ask antonemeut.