Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
$osior$$ £ard$ MACFAKLANE A C0. Dealers in Wines and Spirits K*ahnm»m Stpeet, Honolaln. H. F. BERTELMANN. CONTBACTOB AND BUI1DEB, 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. Bell Telephone 381. p. O. Bos 32 W. W. WR1GHT A SON, Carriags and Wagon Builders IN ALL IT8 BBANCHES. 79 and 80 Kmg Street, Honolnln, H. I. H. E."McINTYRE' «fe]BRO., Okooekī, Feed Store & Bakebt, Corner of King anei Fort Sts., Honolnln. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS.FITTEB COPPERSMITH, Honse and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. il King Street, Honolulu. H. LOSE, ]STotarv Puhlie. Collector and Gencral Business Agent. Mnlnal Telephone 8. P. O. Box 338. Herchaut slreet, Honolnln. MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, S. I. 8HAW, Proprietor, CHOICE LIQ UORS and FĪNE BEER, Corner of King and Nnoanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolnlu, Elias Kaululaau Wright DENTIST,^ Comer of King and Bethel 8ts., U{*itairs, £ntranoe on King Street. Office Hours— From 9 a.m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p.m. Sund»vs excepted. H. May & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roaatere £ Provi«ion Merchant« 98 Fort Street, - Honolnln Families. Pl«ntation8 and Shipg supplied with choicest European & American Groceries California Produce by Eveiy Steamer. BeU Telephoar 381. Pos»f >ffioe BoxfK. W.W. WRtGKTiSON Camage Ix All Its Bbaxches. Horseshoeing A 8PJBC1ALTT. 79 and 80 King Si‘, Honolulu