Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jfn*uran(t Jlotwrs. INeUHAN CE FĪRE & MARINE The T'm>kr.sioned is authorized to take Fire and 3dariue Risks on J3uiklings, Merchandise. Flulls, Care:oes. Freiehts and Comrnissions, Current Kates in the following Companies, viz; Jioyal Insurance Co • - - Liverpool AlManoe Assurance Fire <j' MaHne, - Lonāon Wilhehna of Madgeburg Oen’l. Ins. Co. Han Insurance Co., - - San Francisco ,T. S. WALKEIl, Agent for Islan^s Telf.phosrs ; Bell 351 Mutual 417. Kesidexce : Mutual 410. p.o. Box ir E. B. THOMAS, Contractor īi Builder Estimates Given on AJ1 Kinds OF I) r t > 1 BIILDINGS All Kinds of Jobbing in *thc Building Trade Attended to. KEEPS FOR SAJLE: JBrick, Lime, Cement. Iroa Stone Pipe rind Fittings, OId & New Corrugnted Iron, Miuton Tiles, <juarrv Ti!es, assorted sizes and colors; California and Mouterey Sand, Granite Curbing and BU>cks, etc., etc. !Corner King Smith Sts. Office Hours. 8 to 12 M., x to 4 P. M. • 4 VASt #0!iSTAHT LIMHOP SCH00HEES—A®pl8 0[portmty torALL! Owiug to onr constantly increasing basiness and the Hreat demand of en appreciating c<'inninnitT, we have eonc.loded to offer «n opportnnity to »11 parties having capital. Onr UNE of SCHOONERS may l*e seen gl*ding over the BAK filled to their utmost carrying capa<;ity with clear, «ool aud invigorating f " d E«port b ' ,r9 1LAOEH. BEEE At the “Anchor Saloon.” To aoooinroodate our V«st Fl« et of Schoocers, we have ■»uilt a fine laige Refrigerator reg irdless of cost 1*11© “^-22.032.0^” Is the onlv plaee where a C»>ol Glass of tredericksbnrc nn dramrht ean be hatl in HonololuL Step forward i ocl4 3m Beer on dn»opht ean be h NOW’S the Tim