Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 83, 26 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kawaiahao Churolr Thursday Next, Dec. Doors open 7;30, eommenee at 8 o’eloek. Spscial Qrand Ccncert BY The MISSES Al.Hl ln aiil of the Kawniahao Chnrch Fand, assisted by LEADING LOCAL TALENT. Great Programme Iuc!udiiig Dacts. Ho Sha11 Feed His Flook { «rom the Messiah). [ Know a Bauk. To be sung hy the Misses Alhu. Miss Juub Albc will sing K<ihert, toi que J‘aiiue. (Rohert le Diahle). T!ie Lost Chord, —Angels Evei Bright and Fair. Miss Rose Albu Goo<fnight BeIoved (Bilfe), Likf no a Like. Kuth, Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee (Goanod), and gems of popalar Masic. Organ ānd Pi tuoforte Aeeompanist, Chorases. etc. Ilesenreil seat8, |!; othor part«, .» eenN Plm an<l Tiokets at L. J. L«voy’s. X B. To prevent crow<iing at iho d >ors, tickets for all j):irts on sale al L. J. I ev< v V M. L. M. PLUNKETT. de‘J6 Manai;or PACIFIC 8AL00N. Cornor Kinj; and Nnnaun Strvote. ED\V. WOLTKR... Man:iger. The Finest selection of LI<JUORS anō BEER, sold anyvrhere in the tovrn. First-class attendence. Call and ;mLc for yonrsolf. no 80-tf. POGND MASTKR’S NOTICE. Notice i» herehy yiven to a!l iH‘r8on>. tbat th<‘re is at the Govornnient Pound at Ma kiki, 1 Califonia Mule,’ brand indetont>ab!e. 1 Califonia Mnle, whito »pot en neek an<< baok, brand iude.4cribable. Any pereon or per»on» ovrning thos<. CaLifonia Mnle», are re<|neHted to eome auel lake the *une on or before 12 o’eloek nooii of SATL’RDAV, Dec. .10, 1893. JAMES KUKONA. Ponm) Makiki, Dec. 19, 1893. POUND MASTERS NOTICE. Notice i» hereby given to all pervw»v, !hnr there is at the Govenmsent Ponnd at Ma • kiki, a stray horse: I good hlaek hom’. br iod indescnbable on rjght bip. Any person or per»ons uwcing this hois* . are re«jne8t«d to oome and t«ke the same . «-• or before 12 o’eloek noon of SATURT»AV, December 30, 1893. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Masttr Makiki, Dec. ,18 1893. Christmas Presents The nndersigned heg leave t< eall the atteution to a large a>sortment of tastefal and elegnnW Jewelry, suitable for CbiistmaK Presents. Hawallan Flag Pins. in ditferent sizes. JtTawaiian ♦Jeweli'y* a specialty. If you waut to huy an elepnn L and at tbe same time an ine\pen - sive Christmas Present, eall aroond and inspect my stock. THOS. LIND8AY, Mdncrty Eloek, Fort St.Hono!ale decl tf TMm J HMy JOBEEP. OF Wines, Spirits. and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort aLe' Bethel atreeta.