Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 Kekemapa 1893 — Horse-Races at Waalua. [ARTICLE]
Horse-Races at Waalua.
ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Ax Excellext Pbogp.amme. Great preparations are being made for a fitting celebration of the Christmas holidays at 'W’aialua and the arrangements for a most successful meeting for raeing purposo have been eompleted. A large number of visitors are expected to take a ruu down to the “horsey’’ district and tbere admire tho fine horses for whieh that district is famous. Amoug the horsea now in training and entered for the races. we desire to make special meution of “Kahnku Boy,’’ “Joe D.,’’ and “Leilani.” Besidtfc lhere are al work a Garfield filly, two Vanguards, a eouple of Shenandoahs, a Kealia (from Kauai) and a number of others. Altogether the meeting promises to be one of the most suceessfol ever heid on tbe Isiand of Oahn.