Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Tbe P. G. band at Emma Squ&re tbia afternoon. The steamer Miowera went outside this morning to huve her engices tried. The P. G. band wi|(q->robablv give a Concert at Thomas Sqoare on Christmas Day at 3 o eloek in the afternoon. Monday being Christmas Dav the Holomia staff’ will take a holida3*. The paper will not be issued on that day. A P. G. spy was found asleep (?) on the premises of a royalist on Nunanu avenue this forenoon. He was immediately fired out. He feigned being drunk, but walked otf straight enough. The fol!owing passengers arrived on the steamer Kinau this morning:-—Mi-s Mary Ailau, Mrs Wilhelm, Robert Young. Theo H Davies : GeoDavies, John Smeatin, Mrs W G Walkerand servant, Robt Moore, Alex Gray, Geo Koeh, B Bailey, C Smith, AJ Atkinson, Miss Barnard, Miss Maggie Powers, C Koel, J F Woods, Ed Dowsett, Miss W M Baldwin, Mrs H D5ckenson, J Richardson.