Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Jn$urauff Fire, Iaife & Marine -*INSURANCE*~ Hartford Fre Insnrance Co., Assets, #7,109,825.49 London & Lancashre Fire Ins. Co., Assets. #4.317,05*2.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, $6.124,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, C. O. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. NOTICE. Tbe undersigned has receiveil from tbe Eastern States, The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever import«jd to the Islands. It concIude8 as follo»s. Cloth. 3 grades; Cnes, asssorted; Cushions. fby Block, patent]: Billiard Balls, Composition aml Ivoiy; Pool, Tips. Cbalk: Pocket C«stings with leathers, and frmge complete; Pocket nettings, fringe aml leatbers; Rubber covers: Court Plft9ter, green and black; New style ehalk holders; Triangles; Shake balls aml leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc,, etc. The above goods have been purchased at reduce*l rates, nnd tbe nndersigned is now prepared to do any aml all kinds of B!LLIARD TABLE WORK at r eosonable rat«s willi dis[)atoti. Also ne.;«nd|second hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Honolulu N Bl^O s IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT & KING STS. NEW GOODS RECEiVED Bv every Packet frora the EasternStates and Europ«. " Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All Orders faithfnllv attendpd to, and Goods delivered to anv part nf the Citv—Free of Charge. īsland Orders soiicited. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Post OmcE Box No. 146. Telephosf. No. 92. Kolomuo ♦ Publishing ♦ Co.. PUBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAII • • H0L0MUA. 4. Jonrnal i8sued Daily, (Sund»y excepted) In Ihe F.nglish langnage. and pledged in policv to snpport the Rights »xd Pnr\TLEGES of the 11 awaiiax People, tbe interests of the lahonnp men, and good and hone»t Government for the wh -le country. .JOI3 PR1NTERS All Books and Job PBLvrrxo neatly execnted at short notice acd ai moderate figores. bill heads. cards, jletter HEADS, POSTERS. etc., Finished in First-Clas8 style. lalaml Orders aolicited and promptly attended to. Omc«: Thomas’ Block, King Street. Honolulo. H. L