Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863 ——— Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! baĀkry AXD IdE ClpM p#Q^ F. HORN, Pboprietor. PRACTICAL Coūfectio&er £ Omameolee lu all bnDches of the bnsines6 on these islands. AMERICAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Weddiqg \ Birth-daJ M«de of the very best material, unsurpassed in richness of quali ty and ornamentedin nnapproachu'ble st} le. at lower prices than any other establishment ,in Honolulu. Famiig [{pahani \ Fancij Epeail, Guava Jeliy, Preserved Taraarinds and Tamarind Svrup. ALL CONFECTiONERY Manufactnred at my Establishment are Guaranteed t"> be Positively Pure and sold at prices no other establishmeut eau compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Street, Between NnuanuandFort Streets BOTH TELEPHONES No. 74. NAN-YU-SHOSHB. JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN Sever«l Kind of COwton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts iu different qnalities. \\ml A$ortment of poneelain Tea Sets a Specialt} r Japanese Lanterns and many Curios suitable for Christraas Goods. 411 KING STREET, Honolnlu. Telephoncs, Bell 474. l’.O. Bos 386. Mnlual 544. nol3 Im C.T. AKANA MERCHANT TAIL0R, 324 Nunanu Street All Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. nol7 WIN6 WO TAI & Co., No. 214 Nunann Street, COMMlSSION • MERCHANTS, Iniporters tod De*len in GEy L MEliOHA XD!SE. Fine Manila Cijf«rs. Chinese and Japj«m*se Crock’?yw5»re.Mattiogs. Vases of all kinds. Camphorwood Trmika. Ratt:h Ch»irs, a Fine AjSortuent of Dress Silks. Beet Brands of Ohineae aud Japenese Teas of Latcst Importat*ons. lnspection of Kew Goods Respectfniiv Solicited. MutualTel. 966. P.O.EoilōA