Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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£n$tt»u(t JloticfS. INSDRANOB FIRE & MARINE Thk Usdersiosed is authorĪ2ed to take Fire and Maniie Risks on Buildings, Merchandise* irlulls, Caro:oes. Freiehts and Commissions, *t Current Rates in the following Companies, viz: Royal lnsurance Co• - - Liverpool AUianee Assurance Fire Sf Marine, - Lonāon WilheLma of Madgeburg Gen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisvo ,t. s. Agent for Hawaiian īslaDAs Residesce : Mntnal 410. P.O. Box 11" Telephones; Bell 351 _ Mutual 417. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder Kstimates Griven on A.11 Kinds OF i, mim i\Vi All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEP8 FOR 8ALE: Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, 01d A' New Corrngated Iron. Miuton Tiles, Qnarrv Ti’es, assorted sizes and colore; Califoiuia and Mouterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc.. etc. !Corner King <fl Smith Sts. Office Hours, 8 to la M. t x to 4 P. M. 58KSTiNT LINEWP SCH00!TEES —AmB!e Om«iMtT fcr ILL! Owing to onr constantly iqiTeasing basiness and tbe great demand o( an appreciating commnnitj’. we bave eon•!uded to oder »n opportonity to »11 parties having eapiial. Oor UNE of SCHOONERS mav be seen gliding over the BAR fi!led to their utmost carn*ing capacity with clear, •ool and invigorating F " d ££llrt“ r9 1LA5EE BEER At the “Anclior Saloon.” To aeoommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have wilt a fine large Le£rigerator n gardleas ol cost T3a© I* the only plaee wbere > Cocl Olaea ol Fradeficksburg Beer on draught ean be bad m Honoiola. 8tep forw»td gentiemen, £OW’S ihe Time- 0614 3“