Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 82, 23 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PACIFIC 8AL00N. Coraer King aa ! Nanoan 'iwt<. EDW. WOLTtR M*iv*i.rr. Tae Finest wiection of LJrtfOKS «n«! BLKK, aoM onT'vbcre in thc ••■«a. KiTst-clnss kttendeuce. C«U an.i jn.U.i* for yonrself. no $tVtf. POIM) MASTb'H'S NOTICENotice w bereby gi»en to *lt pers.'ns tfc »t tbere » at tbe Goreminent Ponnd *t Makikī, 1 Cailfoni* Male, brand in.lfe-.-rib-abte. I C«lifonia Mnle, white spot on ueek .tnd betck, bn»nd ind<scrih«hie. Anr person or prrsons owning these CalifoRU Males, »re rr.;uestfet t*> eooie an<i lako Ihe same on or before 12 o’eloek noon of J>ATl'RDAV, Dec. 30, 1SSC. JAMX8 KUKON.e Poond M*ster Makiki, Dec. 19. 1S93. POLM) M ASTKH‘S NOTICE. Xotic« is bereby giren to all persons. tbat tbere i* at the l»oTenunent F>nnd at Makiki, a stray horse: 1 good black horse, braad indescnbable on right hip. Any person or persotw owning this hon«e. are m]oested to eoiue und take the sutue on or before 12 o'eloek noon of SAT1'EDAV, December 30, 1993, JAMES KUKONA. Poumi Mu.-ter. Makiki, Dec. ,19 199.1. Christmas Presents The untlersioned beg leave to eall the attention to a large assortment of tastefnl auil elegant Jeweln*, suitable for Chiistoias Prosents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, ia ditferent sizes. llawaiian Jewelrv, a specialty. If you want to buy an elegaut aml at the same time an iuexpeusive Chr»stmas Present. eall arouml and inspect my stock THOS. LINDSAY, M Block, Forl St.HouolnIu deol tf Y okohama Bazaar. Corner Nuuanu Hotel sts. Just Received a New Lot of JAPAHESE FiNCY GOOCS FOR Xmas Presents SILK HANDKERCH1EFS, COTTON CRAPE of Different gr»des Straw Hata, Toys, &c. de9 L. XX. DEE, JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and Bethel streets. HO YEN KEE & C0. Tinsmitbs aml dealers in Crockery ware, Glassware, etc. Water Pipcs Laid and Repaired, Plumbing Xe«thr Execute<L No. 41 Nuuanu St., between King and Hotei Streets, Aseu Building. CH0CK LOOK, Merchant Tailor No. 321 Nnu.na Street, ALL SUITS GUARASTEED T0 F1T, and MADE in ike BESTSTYLE. CLOTH£S CLEANED axd REPAIRED.