Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PACIFIC 8AL00N. Cern«r Kio|; «nd Nau*ca Stre«ts. M VJOR E, U. F. WOLTEKS.. M*n*ser Th« Fia«8t »le<*ion oI UQUORS »nd 6EEK. so)d *nT-»h«r« in tfa« tovn. Kirst-cl»s» »ttemWn.T. C«D and jnAg* for yoursrlf. no SO-tf. POl ND MASTEB’S NUTICE. Notice ia h«reby gtT«n to all p«rsona, th*t there is *t the GoTernmeot Poaod »t M.ikiki. 1 C*lifoni» Male, br*n 1 ind«sciib*ble. 1 Califon>« Mnle, vfait« spot on neek *nd haok. braad imlescrih*ble. Anr pers»n or penona owning tfaese C«liionia Males, u« to eome *ad tmke the same on or before 12 o'eioek noon of SATU»DAY, Dec. 30, 1892. JAMES KUKONA. Ponnd M*st>r. Makiki. De«. 19. 1893. POUND MASTERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby giren to all person.s. that there is at the OoTenuacnt Ponnd »t Makiki, a stray horse ; 1 good hlaok faorse, brand indescnb*ble on right hip. Any pers»m or persoos owning thi» hor»e. are reqnested to oome and take the s*uie on or before 12 o'eloek noon of SATURDAV December 30. 1893. JAMES KUKONA. Ponnd M*ster. Makiki, Dec. ,18 1893. Christmas Presents Tbe umlersignetl beg leave to eall the attention to a large assortment of tasteful autl elegant Jewelry, snituble for Chiistmas Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditfereut sizes. Eiawaiian Jewelry, a specialty. If you want to buy an elegant and at tho same time an inespensive Christmas Present, eall around and inspect my stock. THOS. LINDSAY, Mclneniy 6lock, Fort St.Uonolalu decl tf Y okohama Bazaar, Corner Nnuann «fc HoteI sts. Just Received a New Lot of JAPABESE FAHCY G00DS FOB Xmas Presents SILK HANDKERCH1EFS, COTTON CKAPE of Differeut grades Straw HnU. Toys, Ae. de9 L. XX. 33EJ3, JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and Bethel streete. HO YEN KEE & G0. Tinsmitbs and dealers in Crockery ware, Giassware, ©tc. Water Pipcs Laid andRepaired, Plnmbmg Ne*tly Execated. No. 41 Nnnanu S4., between King and Hotel Streete, Aseu Building. CH0CK LOOK, Mei*chant Xailoi* No. 321 Nuaaan Street, ALL SU1TS GUARAyTEED T0 F1T, anā MADE in the BEST STTLE. CLOTHES CLEANED AND REPATRF.D