Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Jn$urante Iaife Marine -*INSURANCE*~ Hartford Fre Insnrance Co., Assets. $7,109,825.49 London & Lancashre Fire Ins. Co.. Assets, $4.317,052.00 Thain.es & Mersey Marine Ins. Co., Assets, $6,124,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Agent tor Hawaiian lslands, Honolulu, H. I. NOTICE. The undersigned hasreceived from the Eastern States, The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to tho Islands. It conclndes as follows; Clotb, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted: Cushions, []bv Uloek, patentj; Billiard Balls. Composition aud Ivoiy; Pool, Tips. Cbalk; . Pocket C«stings with leathers, and fnnge complete; Pocket nettings, fringe and leathers; Rubber covei-s; Conrt Plaster, green and black ; New style ehalk holders; Triangles; Shake balls aud Ieather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above go«ds have been purchased at reduced rates, and the undersigued is now prepared to do any and ail kinds of BILLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also newJanJ|secOQ<l hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. F. EOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Honolulu NTYRi Bf*o IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries. Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT & KING STS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED By everv Packet frora the EasternStates and Enrop«. ' Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All Orders faithfully attend»-d to, and Goods delivem. 7 to any part of the City —Free of Charge. Island Oniers solicited. Satrsfaction gnaranteed. Pow Office Box Ko. 145. Telephose No. 92. olomu ♦ Publishinor, Co„ PUBLISHERS OF THE “ HAWAII * ♦ HOLOMUA,” 4 Journal issired Daily, (Snnday excepted) In the English langn!ige. and 'pledged in policv to snpp.nrt tbe Rights ,»m> Previlege» of the Hawaiiam People, tbe interests of the laboring men, and good and bonest Government for the wb le conntry. .1015 PRINTERS All Books and Job Prixtlng neatly execnted at short noliee and at mmleiale 6gures. BILL HEADS. CAHDS. LETTER 11EADS, POSTERS, etc., Finished in Frrst-CUss style. lsland Orders soiicited and promptly attended to. Office : Thomas' Block, King Street. Honolulu. H. I.