Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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£n$urantt 2totitt$. FĪRE & MAKINE Thb Uxdebsioked is authorized to take Iire and ]\Iarine Hisks on Buildings, Merchandise. Mulls, Careoes, Freiehts and Commissions, •»t CuiTeut Rates in the following Companies, viz. Insurar.ce Co- - - ilHanee Assurance Fire $ Maiine, - Lonāon WilhelnM of Mad£ebur£ Gen r l. Ins. Co. Sun Insurance Co., - - San Francisco J. S. WALKEE, Agent for Hawaiian īslan^5 Tf.lf,phoses : Bell 3ōl _ Mutnal 417Residexce : Mntual 410. P.O. Box ll 7 E. B. TH0MAS, 1 5» Contractor Builder Estimates Given on All Kinds OF BRirK, II», ST0ffl i WOO0ĒN BL1LDINGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, Old k New Corrugated Irou, Miuion Tiles, Qnairy Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; Calift»rnia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. f Corner King dt Smith Sts. OFFICE dt YARD: Of!ice Hours, 8 to 12 M., ( 1 to 4 P. M. A VAST PROJECT C0NSTAMT LIĒEHP SCHŪ0N£BS—Ample OjiportiiMty tor ALLI Owing to onr constantly iucreasiug bosiness aml tbe great derannd of an appreciatiug community, we bave eonclnded to otler an opportonity to all parties having eapiial. Onr LINE of SCHOONERS m».v be seen gliding over the BAR filled to their ntmost carrying cap«city with clear, eool and invigorating Fral S c p5? u,i 'lLASERBEER At the “Anchor Saloon.” To aecommodate oar Vast Fleel o( Schooners, we have ’-»uilt a fine large Refrigerator regardlesa of cost Tii© “A.n diox,” Is the only plaee wbere a C- «>1 Glass. o( Fredericksbnrg Beer on «lraught ean be bad in Honolulu. Step forwanl gentlemen, NOW’S the Time. oc!4 3m