Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRiVED, 3 5 q Bahy Carriages 0F ALL STTLES, Cai'petg, i(ugp, H(atp, IN THE LATEST PATrERXS. “HOUSEHOLD” Sewing Machines Hand Sewing Machines, With the Latest Impro»emenU'^53 PAKLOK Organs, Gruita.i*s, And Other Mnsiod In&tnimenU, \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAYS ON HANP, AND FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLiECER & C0. King St.. oppo. Castle Jc Cookc’s. Ilalional Ipon Wop^ Qcef.n Street, Between Alakea A Richard Sts. THE UNr)ERSIGNED are prepnred to make eli kinda of Iron Br>iss, 6ronze. Zinr, Tin and Leud CantingK. Also a General Repair Srop for St»-.un Enginea, Ru-e UilU, Com Mill», Water Wheele, \Vind MiUs, ele. Maehine» for the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oil8,.Beuns, Ramie. Sisal, Piaeapple Leares & other Fihmna Planla, And Paper 8tork J Also Maehinea for Extracting Starch fcom the Manioe, Anow Root, etc. All Ordere prumptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN « CO.
Long Branch BATHING Estabiishment. ThisFirst-class Bathmg Resort has been enlarged and is now open to the public. It is the best plaee on the is)ands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Sj>ecial aeeommodations for Ijadies. Tramcars pass the door every half bourand on Satnrdays and Sundays every fifteen minntes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. KW0HG SHG GH0HG & G0. Com.txa.ctox l?ainting, <fcc. K?* We also keep on band Bedsteads, Mattrasses. Tables. Bookcāsēs. MfRRORS , Etc„ AT THE LOWĒST MARKET PRlCES No. 216 King st., Honolola de4 3m