Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — FROM BRAZIL [ARTICLE]

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Sp*cial Di«patrhcs to thc Chronirl<>. London, D©cember 13—A Dispatch to tbe Times from Lisbon says: The steamship 2sile. nrhich left Rio Janeiro December Gth, has arrived, bringiug news of the arrest of the crew of tbe French steamer Parahayba. The advices say the crew were ordered to be shot witboot trial, althoogh there was no proof that they intended to join the insurgents onder Admiral Mello.

Incensed at the injnstice of tbe sentence, the condemned saīlors. at the moment of cxecution, cried in one voice, “Long live Mello;’’ ! Tbisproduced such an impression that the Govemment troops in the firing party tried not to hit the prisoners, and only five were killed. The soldiers were onlered to fire again, but refuseil. Tbe remainder of the Parahayba’s crew were therefore imprisoned. The puhlie was shocked at the brntality of the sentence imposeil aud greatly incensed against President Piexoto. The steamer Parshayba is the property of the Compaigne Chargeurs - Rennis and is a freight vessel plying between Havre and South Amcriean ports. She left Carditf on October oth for Montevideo and Buenos Ayres.