Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — ALL FRIENDS OF MELLO. [ARTICLE]

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Efforts to Obtain Rodre$s Becanse of the Ships Fltted ut New York. New York, December 13.—Certain prorainent and wealthy Brazilians who reside 'iu and near this city and favor the canse represented by Mello in the eombat now waging in the Soutb American republic have associated themselves together for the purpose of obtaining redress from the persons who fitted out the war ships in this port and dispatched them to Brazil in the interest of President Peixoto. This syndicate of Brazilians also proposes to restrain, if possible, the armament of othor ships for this porpose in the ports of the United States. They assert that the United States Government has violated the law of uations and rendered itself liable to enormous damages shou!d Mello prevail. Isaac Angel, a lawyer of high standing and abiiity as well as large experience in the United States conrts, has been retained to put the suits contemp!ated. He will not give the names of the friends of Mello, but aeknowledges tbe truth of the story.