Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 Kekemapa 1893 — COMMENT FROM ABROAD [ARTICLE]
Press Opinion of tbe Hawaiian Matter. London, December 14.—The Standard, referring to the Hawaiian sitnation says: Tfae knot of merchants, specu!ators and olheeseekers who planneel and carried out the revolotion in Hawaii and constituted theraselves the “Provisional Government/' are, as might be expected, fnrious at Presideat Cleveland for having decided that the United States must decline to accept the islands otfered them as a result of nefarious intrigue by Amenean citizens. No other decision eoukl have been expected from an honest, honorable man, bnt it has astonished the group of adventurers who tbougbt they would be enthusiastically hailed by a gratefui country for what they had really done only for personal advautage. — S. F. Chronide.