Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 Kekemapa 1893 — Repulsed by Matabeles. [ARTICLE]
Repulsed by Matabeles.
1 Fom of the British in a Perilous Prrdieament. Cape Town. December 13.— Advices from Balnwayo say tbat Major Forbes, with a smail detachment, arrived at the Shangai river withoat incident. Captain Wilson was depated to pnrsue Lobengnla wiih an advance party and left the eamp laie ia tbe ev<miog. He overlook ihe King’s wagon at midnight Tbe natives were ambnshed in expectation of an advance by the British and opened a hot fire from the bosh on both sides. C.iptain Wilson’s party, iu the * faoe of saperior nnmbers, was
foreed to retire, tboogb fighting steadilv. Captain Wilaon dispatched a messenger to the eamp of Major Forbes for re-enforce-ments, but meantime tbe Sbangai river had sodJen!v risen and cut otf the advance party from the main body of Major Forbes' eommand. It is feared by Forbes that Wilaon is in a perilous position and he is tiying to mnke a crossing higher np the river and go to his relief.—h’. F. Chronide.