Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — Band Concert. [ARTICLE]

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Band Concert.

The P. G. band will give a concert at Thomas’ Square this evening. Following is the programme: Part I. 1. March—“Sereu Suavians” Millocker 2. Overture—“Calif of Bagdad.”.... Boildien 3. Pinale—“Rigoletto” Verdi 4. Seleotion—“Manlan»" Wallaee Pakt II. 5- Medley—“Ye OHen Times" Beyer 6. W«ltz—“Special Reports" Czibulka 7. Mazurka—“Nana" Coreggio 8. Gaiop—“Vivacity” Coreggio “Haw&ii Ponoi.”