Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 81, 22 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The P. G. band at Thomas S<iaare this evening. The steamer Alameda sails at G o’eloek for the Colonies. The R. M. S. Alameda arrived earlv this morning from San Francisco. Furions and heedless driving —even by plurabers and eouneilmen- should bo prohibited. The boats from the United States vessels of war. were exercising in the harbor this morniug. A party of ladies aud gentlemen wero entertained ou the water by Comraander Nelson last evening. Miss Hattie Hiram desires to express her sincere appreciation of the many tokens of sympathv shown by friends during the illness of her father, Mr. C. Hiram, and at his funeral. The following passengers for Honolulu, arrived by the steamer Alameda this morning;—W. N. Armstrong, Mrs J B Atherton, H P. Baldwin. Dr F W Bliss, E Btack and wife, H N Castle, M H Evens and wife, Mr Gerber, Mrs Gerber, Miss Gerber, Robt R Hind, Robt Lewere, Mre Lowell and cbild, Dr Hcnry M<Grew, wife, child and nuree, J Hyman, M Green, J C MitcheIson and wife, Dr J Mott Smith and wife, Miss Mott Smith, E H Paris. Thoe Renton, Dr F Robinson, Lieot W R Ra?b, H W Severance. M Schauffler, Miss H Sorrenson, L A TharatoD, S G Wiidcr, H A Widemann Jr.