Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 80, 21 December 1893 — BAND CONCERT. [ARTICLE]

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The government band nnder the leadership of Professor H. Berger, will play to-night on the Makee island if the Alameda doesn’t arrive early this evening. If she arrives, the concert will be given at the Hawaiian Hotel. This will probably be the last coucert given by the P. G. band. The following is the programme: Part I. 1. March—“The Gladiators" Soaza 2. Overture—“Light Cavahnr" Suppe 3. Eoho Pieee—*Tn Switzerland” Hume Ecbo by JIr. Charles Kreuter. •4. Seleotiou—“Eohemian GiH” Balfe P aht II. 5. Medley—“Muiieal Review” Riviere 6. Ba11ih1—“My 01d Home”... .Stenart 7. Waltz—“Minstrel Melo"lies” Eerger 8. Marc.i—"My Goscherl”.. Spronacker “Hawaii Ponoi.”