Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 80, 21 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PACIFIC 8AL00N. Corner King »nd Knaum Str««ts. MAJOR E. U. F. WOLTERS.. M*a*ger. Th« Finest v!ection of LIQU0RS and I)EKK. «oki kDTvherv in th« tova. First-cl«ss iatendence, Cail and jndg« lor roois«If. no 90-tf. POl'Nl) MA$TER*S NOTiCE. Nolioe w herebr giren to atl pepk'n*. that there i» at the Go»ernment Ponnd at Makiki, I Caiifonia Male, br»nd indescribahle. 1 Califooia Mnle, white spot cn neek and haek, brand indcscnbaWe. Any person or persons ovning these Califonia Mules, are to eo ue aad take the satue on or before 12 o'elook n.>on of SATL*RI>AV, Dec. 30. 1S03. JAME> KUKONA, Poaiid M ister. Makiki. Dec. 19, 1S93. POCND MASTER*S NOTICE. Xodoe is hereby given to all persms, that there is at the Govemuient Pound at Makiki, a str»y horse: 1 goo<l hlaek horse, bran<l indescnb«ble on right hip. Any person or persons ovning this horse, are re*]nested to eome and t«ke the sjune on or hefore 12 o’elook uoon of 8ATCKDfY, December 30, 1893. JAMES KUKON'A. Ponnd Master. Makiki. Dec. .18 1893. Ghristmas Presents The undersi"neJ beg leave to eall the attentiou to a large assortment of tasteful and elogant Jewelry, suitable for Chiistmas Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins ? in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry, a specialty. If you want to buy an elegant and at the same time an ineipensive Christmas Present, eall around and inspect my stock. THOS. UND SAY t Mclueroy llloek, Fort St.Honoluln decl tf Y okohama Bazaar, Corner Nuuann <fc Hotel sts. Just Received a New Lot of JAPAKESE FAHGT GOODS FOR Xmas Presents SILK HANDKEKUH1EFS, COTTON CKAPE of Different gn»des Straw Hats, Toys, &c. de9 L. S. DEE, JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and Betbel streets. HO YEN KEE & 60. Tinstnitbs and dealers in Crockery ware, Glassware, etc. Water Pipcs Laid and Repaired, Plumbing Ne»tly Executed. No. 41 Nuuann St., between King and Hotel Streets, Aseu Building. CH0CK LOOK, Merchant Tailor No. 321 Nauanu Street, ALL SU1TS GUARASTEED T0 F1T, and UADE in tke BESTSTYLE. CLOTHES CLEANED axd REPAIBED.