Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 80, 21 December 1893 — COMMENT COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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The recent lopping otf of oflieial heads has suggested the nnme “Execntioners” instead of “Execative” bailding.

i i J. M. Radway's readv relief of 5 the accnmulated funds from the [ Haualei, Kauai, post oflBce, of . whieh he had charge. will proi bably relieve him from the necesi sity of taking a gun in the event of t American troops 1 inding. Radway can’t be a loyalist. the pirate papers havo not made enough fuss about his act of theiving. What is the matter with the Bureau of Information? A number of loeal business people, who have subscribed funds for the maintaiueuce of the eoneem, think, now, that somebody has a holt on a pretty good thing and won’t even let go of the information, let alone the oflScial salary. In Radway’s case it does look as though the Post Office Bureau, and by that the Pinanee Departinent, is greatly to blarae by the displayed neglect, in not corapelling returns from the defaulting poslmaster. Three thousand dollars is a large araount to be purloined fror a little, one-horse, post oflSce like tbat at Hanalei, it must have taken nearly si*: montbs time to accumulate. How the P. G. people discovered a rascal like Radway, in the present holy outfit, is, almost beyond eomprehension.

What inconsistency! Here tho great and good P, G.’s and their fo!lowers, decry everything that is royalistic; tbey have probibitetl the nso of the coat of arms of Hawaii on account of the crown therein contained; have droppeil the title “Palaee;” “Aliiolani Hale’’ is no more, and tbe Slar is not allowed to capitalize “Queen:” yet, turn the rascals ont! tbere is a Eing in their cabinet! In days of old, the now Major Gold Cure of the army was regarded as a good fellow with a military “bee in his bonnet,” but, unahle to commaud eveu a gingle company of the Rifles; today however tbe poor tax-payers have to contribute a three figures salary to obtain, and retaiu. his lately discovered, bnt as yet undisplayed, military genins. Talk about waste, of tbe people s money? Turn the rascals ouL Effigv. Houolnlu, Dec. 21sl, thermometer, morning 70; noon 84; night 69. Luscious strawberries in the markel Btessed in elimale if not iu other tbings.