Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 80, 21 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
jfn$uranrr Firc, l>ife & IVIarine -*INSURANCE*~ Haxtford Fre Insnrance Co., Assets, $7.109,8*25.49 London & Lancashre Fire Ins. Co.. Assets, $4.317.05*2.00 Th.ames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, $6,1*24,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Ageut for Hawaiiau Islands, Honolulu, H. I. NOTICE. Tbe undersigued has received from the Eastern States. The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islands. It conclndes as follows: Cloth, 3 gr«des; Cues, nsssorted; Coshions. [bv Block, patentj; Billiard Balls, Coiuposition and Ivoiy; Pool, Tips. Chalk; Pocket C«stings with leuthers, and fnnge cornplete; Pocket nettings, fringe and leathers; Rubber covers; Court Pluster, green and blaok; New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles; Sbake balls and leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above go<'ds have boen purchased at reduced rates, and the undersigned is now prepared to do rny aml all kinds of B1LLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonable rates with dispatch. Also new>nd|second hand Billiard aud Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perry Block, Hotel St. Houolulu E. McInty^ e B^p. IMPOHTERS AND DEALERS EN Groceries. Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT & KING STS. NEW G00DS RECEIVED Bv everv Packet frora the EasternStates and Enrop«. Fresh California Prodnco bv everj* steamer. All Orders faithfnlly attended to, and Goods delivered to anv pai*t nf tbe City —Free of Charge. Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction gnarantee<i. Posx Office Box Ko. 145. Telephovf. No. 92. olomu ♦ Publishing ♦ Co„ PUBLISHFJRS OF THE “ HAWAll • • holomua: 4 Journal issued Dailj*, (Sunday excepte<l) In the Enplieh langnage. and pledged in policv to snpport the Rights Pkevileges of the Hawaii.w Peoplk, the interests of the laboring meo, and good and honest Government for the wh le country. JOB PUINTERS All Booes and Job Pktstivg neatly execnted at short notice and at moderate figures. BILL HEADS, CARDS, IJETTER HEADS, POSTERS. etc., Finished in First-Class style. Island Oiders solicited and promptly attended to. Offics : Thoma»’ Block, King Street. Honolnlu, H. I.