Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 80, 21 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
3nsuranff FĪRE & MARIN The XTjfDER3iGSED is authorized to take Fir< Marine Risks on Buildings, Merchandise. tlulls, Caro*oes. Fi*eiarlits auel Commissions %t Current Rates in the following Companies, %iz. K9ijal Insurance Co • - - Liee* Allinnee A8suran.ce Fire <j- Marine, - Lo i W'ilhehna of Madgeburg Oen’l. Ins. Co. £un Insurance Co., - ~ San Frnn .1. S. WALKEK, Agent for Hawaiian Isl TeLEP H 0NI8: Bell 351 _ Mūtual 417. Kesidexc Mninal 41 P.O. 1 E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Build Estimates Oiveil on All Kin< 0F BR1CK, IR0N, ST014 WDĒN BlilL0 All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade Attended to. KEEP8 FOR SALE: Brick, Lime, Cenaent, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, OKl k New Corrugated Iron. Minton Quam* Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; CHlif 'rnia and Mouterey Granite Cnrbing and Blocks, etc.|etc. OFFICE <51 YARD f Comcr King <51 Smith Sl : - Office Hours. 8 to ra M., ( i to 4 P. M. A V AST PK O.IE CQN3TAHT LIHEVT SCHŪOHTRS — taBte ūpwmil? f!l Owing to onr constantly im reasing business ai great demand of an appreciating community, we ba\