Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 79, 20 December 1893 — Cleaning Out the Treasury. [ARTICLE]
Cleaning Out the Treasury.
May we ask our 8nailing friend the Mini8ter of Pinanee, what money—perhaps J4J,000 were removed this morning from the Treasury to the private hank of His Biniling and rascal-firing Excellency ? As the money with whieh to pay interest on the Engliah loan. has already heen transferred the latest removaI of ha r d cash looks very mueh like attempt to pay off Hackfeld «fc Co. as far as Jobn Hackfeld's share in the notorious 195,000 is concerned. Pity, tbe Holomi a haan'l got a ,l 8PY” around the Pinanee OfBce now. Ta—ta, Sammyt