Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 79, 20 Kekemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The P. G. buml at Thomas Square this ev» ning. I3e carefnl what you say to any oae connected with the Star. The polieo force is now eomposed of former P. G. spies and uight hawks. The boats froin the Champion had an interesting boat drill this forenoon. More royalist (!) yarns in this morning s T:ser. Nobodv believes tli3m, “imheeile." Good behavior from society ladies is e\j>ected at all times eaeu at the Opera House. Private boxes not excepted. It is said that the Corwin will not Uko auy newspaper correspoudence from here. Should not thiuk so. EspeciaIIy sneh corresjK>udeuce as is forwardetl by the Assooiated Press Correspondent Last evening’s Star says, “Uie Ameneau League was in session all day yesterday, (Monday).” Probably smoking those cigars and cigarettes aud watching those rifles whieh are stored there. “An Americau in thLs morning s Tiser war.t3 to kuow “who aro to protect the iives and property of the patriotic Americans of these isiauJs in the event of war? ’ l\e are of the opiuion that all Uju al>iding and bona jidf American citizens will be pro* tected by their Kepresentative.

A fine (?) looking set of “toaghs” are now wearing polieeman'a badges and batons. bere wonld the'Tiser “ imheeile” and his cliqnehare been. were it not for the Hawaiian monarchy. The repairs on the steamer Miowera are about finished. She will be taken out for a trial trip in a day or so. It is qnita probable, that tbe Alameda will not arrive before Friday. She is liahle to be detained in leaving San b’rancisco waiting for tbe mails. Since the annonncement of tho “verandah railing” accident in an issue of last week, it is learned tbat the matter was to have been kept private. If such an intention had been knowu at that time, no notice would have been made of it. We aro pleased io notice that Major Wolters has taken charge of the Pacitic Saloon. His well known popularity will raise the business of that establishment away beyond the ordinary ran. Mr. Billy Downer is the assistant there, and will accommodate the customers in a first class styleCome and see Billy” The P. C. A. says this morning : “Everything waa unusually quiet around town last evening. The excitement of the day seemed to have worn everyone out, and to have subdued all feeling. ! ’ There is no occasion for auything else but quietness to exist. Anything to the contrary ean only eniuiiale from the P. G. socialists. i 0 The following passengers left on the loeal steamers yesterday evening: For Maui —G F Eord, S P \Voods, F Alexander, C Farden, and V V Ashford. Kauai—G H Fairchild, S N Hundley, Miss Cummins, Miss Hundley, Mrs McQuinn, Miss Eompke, J B Alexander, Miss Christian, J II Cummings and wife, J E Miller and wile. \ Cockburn, A Lindsay, Mrs W E H Deverill, Christian Conradt, and E W Holdsworth. Last Monday cigars and cigarettes for the American League braves stationed at Robinson Hall, were ordered from a ehinaman doing business on King street. He was told to take the bill to the Station House, whieh he did. There, he was to!d to wait until tbo next day for his money, he declined, saying, “Xo pay, no goods.” The 4)ill was accordinglj r pa:d. What right has the Marshal to pay for cigars and igarēttes for such characters to smoke, or in fact for any one?