Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 79, 20 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
POIM) MASTER'S . NOTICE. N'otice is Lercby given to ati persons, that there is at the Govcrnment Pound at Makiki, 1 Oaliiouia Mnle, bran<i indeecribable. 1 Culifonia Mnle, white spot cn neek an.l back, braml indescribahle. Any person or peraons owuing iheae Califonia Mulea, are recjnested to eome nnd take the same on or before 12 o'eloek noon of SATURDAY, Dec. 30, 1S!C JAME8 KUKONA. Poond Master. Makiki, Dec. 19, 1S93. POCND MASTER’S NOTICE. Xotice is herehy given to all j.»ersoa , «, that there is ut the Ooverument Ponud at Makiki, a stray horae: I good hlaek horae, brand indescnbable on rignt hip. Any peraon or peraons ovrning tbis horae, are requested to eome and Uke the saiue on or before 12 o’eloek noou of SATL’RDAV, December 30, IS93, JAMES KUKONA, Ponmi Master. Makiki, Dec. ,13 1893. Christmas Presents The nndersigned beg leave to eall the attention to a lnrge assortment of tasteful aud etegant Jewelry, suit«ble for Chiistmas Presents. Hawaiian Flag Pins, in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry, a specialty. If yon want to bny an elegant and at the same time an ineipensive Christmas Present, eall aronnd and inspect my stock, THOS. LINDSAY, Mclnerny liloek. Fort St.Honolula decl tf Y okohama Bazaar, Corner Nauann Hotel sts. Jnst Received a New Lot of JAfiHE8E FAHCT G00DS « FOR Xmas Presents S1LK HANDKEKCH1EFS, GOTTON CRAPE of Differeot gmdes Straw Hata, Toys, Ae. de9