Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 79, 20 Kekemapa 1893 — Song of the News Carrier. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Song of the News Carrier.

Snre s Oit« mad«. To tUm both «n»n »n»i niAi.i, When Oi se« th« UidkBlk>«s of » hss; An’ Oill ring it lond *nd long I Tili tbe P. G. bears me soag, Anel grabs tbeir gnns to bnstie to the icass. Chokcs. Oh! Oim litt!e re<l-«birt Maek, Tb« pugilis£ic bbck— Smith who carr.es onM nun Hitchass n»w* eaeh day. An' Oire got • liule g«n, An’ yell see some hlix>iy fnn, When thm blne eout» from the crnisers eome me way. When the Yanke»s eome on l.tni There behind the bags of sand Ye will see me waitiug ready for the row An' me triangle Oīll ring Till the boys begin to «sug. ••Sure its Colonel lhst we onght to make him now. Then me onld red shirt Oi’ll An’ me bree**hea Oill puli off. An' put on the hlne wtth bnttons bright of br.iss, An' Oi'll try to get a fit S > me pauts wun't sag a bit So theyU fit »imte smood npin me—weh, first class. Then Oill take me little gnn, When triang)e tnnes are done, An' ifs then yeli see the gore begia to fiow. An' the hide and hair will iie Thick aronnd me while Oi cry; •*Snre its Oiunnl that ye ought U> muke me now," ♦ Then onld IIitchass will cry loud High above iho yellm’ cn>wd. While hīs blo»xly heanl he's wagi;in' wild an»l wet, “Snre its Maek has ki!led eaeh one, Wid his triang)e «n’ gun, An’ its Pr*tid(nt well have to make him yet.”