Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 79, 20 December 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iUST ARRIVED, q 5 3 Baby Caniages OF ALL STYI.ES, Cappet0, f(u$, IV|a^, IN' THE LATEST PATTEUNS. “H0U5EH0 L‘D " Se\vino- Machines O Haxd Sewing Machines, With the Latest Improvcmenbi"^l PARLOR Organs, Guitars, And Other Mnsic;il Instrnn>fcnU. Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAY8 ON HAND, AND FOR SALE BV ED. H0FF8CHLiEGER & 00. King St.. oppo. Castle A Cookc’s. Jational Inon won^ Qceen Street. Between Alakea <fc Ricliard St». THE J»UNI>ERSIGNED are prcpared to make rll kinds of Iren Brass, Bronze, Zinc, Tin and Leud Castinp:. A1m> a Geueral Bepnir Shoj> f»r Steun; Enginea, Rice ilills, Corn Mdis, Water Wheela, Wind Milla, etc. Machines for the Cleaning of Coffee, Caator Ods,.B«in», Han.ie, Sisal, Pinoapple Leaves Jr other Fibrons Plnnfs, An«l Paper Sto« k', Al«o Maehine» for Evtr»cting Starch fro» the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. v<r All Order» prumptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO, Long Branch BATHIN G Establishment. Bathmg Resort has been enlarge<l aml is now open to tbe pnblic. It is the best plaee on the islan<ls to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay ofl’ Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door eveiy balf bonr and on Satnrdays and Sandays everj' fifteen minntes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. KW0RG 8116 GH0HG t 60. L : : ē? Cora.txa.ctox IB*CLild.er V*ainting, ctc. We al»o keep on hanū Bedsteads. Mattrasses. TA8LES, Bookcases. M/RR0RS. Etc„ AT THĒ L0WĒST UARKET PR/CES Ko. 216 Kiog st.. Honolnlu i de4 3m