Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 78, 19 Kekemapa 1893 — THAT COMPROMISE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Even as the time for reacbing a solution coraes nearer, we hear more and more rnmors of a eompromise, having been made without the knowledge of Her Majesty s cabinet. We refuse to believe that tbeQueenever wonld tike anv actiou without the advice of the cabinet appoiuted andonly discbargeat.le as provid ed for by our constitution. We repeat what we asserted yesterday that if Mr. Cleveland really intends to uiulo a wrong and to remedv the effects of an nsurpation made in tho name of the United States he must doso in the onlv proper, aud only possible ■ raauner, and that would never include the possibility of forraing cabinets, or giving consti tutions, or consulting a sovereign irresponsible, according to the constitution of the land. Whatever business Minister Willia representing Araerica has with the goverument whieh was outraged on the 17th of Januarv. in the name of his eountrv, he mnst transact it with the men who accordmg that constitulion viclated by J. L. Slevens and his rebellious followers was iu power at the time. KALSE FRIENDS. 0 Every sovereign in the wor!d is sukjected to so called friends, who impose on them and make ihem beheve that all inte!ligence and honesty are concentrated in their narrow brains, aud yet narrower bodies. We pray that the Q«eeu of Hawaii has not fa!len into the hands of such insincere would be friends. We know of men who for seven te e n months have 8uonficel their position their weallh, their time, and their peaee for the sake of gainiug the cause whieh Hawaii nei havo claimed to be the canse of this fair country. The false advisers who never dared eome forward who sluuk behind the elamor of “our bread and butter may now be to the surface, but with Napoleon wo ean only cr\ r “Apres! Apres!!’ THE ONLY 80L0TI0X.

The only negotiations whioh ean be conducted between Minister Willis and the represeDtatives of the Hawaiian nation mustjbe conducted tbrough the men who constitutionally form the Hawaiian government If ontside advfsers of the fair-weather-friend style are to be the power behind the throne, the quicker it is knowu to the loya!ists the better it will be. Loyal to the independence of Hawaiia nei, loyal to their eountry, loyal to the Hawaiian Nation will the men stand, who bave fought and won tbe day. No individnal, no combination. nor any cliqne ean stop the course acceptable to, and proraoted by the Will of the Hawaiian People. Let all cjncerned take warning.