Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 78, 19 Kekemapa 1893 — “PROFESSOR” BRIGHAM. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


It is of coarse not with any degree of pleasare tbat we take ap the above sabject, bat since ‘ the ** professor’’ (by the way where did he get that title from) throws himself forward as a poli ticiau and a *‘promiuent'’ eitizen, it is about tune that we give this beniticiary on tbe wealth of the Kamehameliaa some attention. .The latest rem«rk in regard to the situation here comiug from : the lips of this ‘*professor” in a | “remarkable M aeienee, has eome i to our ears from a reliable gentleman who was a passenger on the traracars last Saturday, togelher with—amoug other — Brigham and editor Whitney of the Advertiser. The two persons named were discussing the situation, and when thej r left the car on the corner of King and Fort Streets, the “professor” suggested to give the Queen $5,000 and six bottles of gin, whieh she uudoubtedly would accept in liev of a throne and then abdicate. Wheu wo heard about the “ professor's” kind soggestion, we remembered an iuterview whieh appeared in the Sydney Dailey Telegraph on the 17th of November, and in whieh the “professor” expresses himself rather freely. We might eall our readers attention to the fact that that the Dailey Telegraph of Sydney is ouly a third-class paper and therefore we presume to be excused for publishing any stateraeuts of an obsceuity like “professor” Brigharo. We cannot publish the false assertions and alleged facts whieh the “professor” dished up to the reporter in full as his verbosity is of such a magnitude that it woukl take columns of our paper to hold his ebullition but we shall repriut a few of his remarks. Thp very first remarks of the curator of the Kamehameha museum shows the tendencies of the man (?) ‘ fc What do I think of the possibility of the restoration of the monarchy in Hono lulu. What do I think of it, sir? Well, sir, I think if the United States attempt to replace the Queen on the throne, that saroe Queeu will be shot within an hour. Yes, sir!” Anybody kuowing the speciality of the professor will of course perfectly nnderstand the following reraarks evidently pertaining to some prurieut gossip or scaudal eome to his knowledge, while be—as he says —was the president of the Honolulu Club at Boston, and presumably the host of the ro\*al guests whom he derides; He has a remarkable snpply of remarkable anecdotes of the idiosyncrasies of the power that occupied and stood behind the throne until a few months ago. £scapades at Boston, when. as President of the Honolulu Club, he entertained some raembers of the Royal house, peculiar custons at home, and )ittle historles, and mysteries too, such as frequently surround Conrts —a dozeu of them he cites to show that a native Governmeut would no longer be tolerated on the island. It must be of interest to īho scholars nf tho Kamehameha Schoo! to be termeil niggers by this —we cannot say nnmeasorable falsifier, but rathep say measuring gentleman; it must be gratifying for Chas. B. Bishop who feeds the fellow out of his late wife’s money to

hear ber and ber race called niggers and s}>oken aboat witb eontempt by tbis * Anglo Saxon. " bnt tbis is wbat this “white” ; man says fnrthor abont Hawaii and Uawaiians: “We have a very mixed population there, wiiat with the Ha waiiaus theni-ielves, tbe Americans, the Britishers, tLe Japanese, aud a sprinkling of a score of other natioualities,” says Mr. Brighara. wbo. by tbe wny, is curator of tbe Bishop Museum in | Honolnlu. “Nearly evervbodv was dissali>fie<l willi the old forra of governinent, aud when tbe ! Qneen, after tbe lasv session of Legislatnre—it raeets only onee in two years, thanks to a raerciful Providence—promulgated tbe new constitntion, tbere wh8 scarcely a nian in Hunolulu who bad not thonght tbat tbe crisis bad eoine. The Queen had been anxious to concentrate raore aud raore the powers of gbverument witbin herself. Sbe was deterrained to have all tbe appointraeuts that she possibly could get, and she was obviously determined to weaken the autbority of tbe two Houses. But the resolute and active resistance offered by tbe European popnlation effectually checked ber litt!e garae. Her gracious aud dark-skinned Majesty bad been putting favorites into important positions, and tbis has cansed deep reseutmeut. Tben tbere is tbis consideration. Tbe natives, inciuding half-castes, own property to the amount of $500.000, while the whites, Amerk:ans and otbers; own propertv to tbe extent of $50,000,000 or $60,000,000. It’s bardlv Anglo-8axon, is it, that the Europoans tbere are going to subiuit to be controlled by a set of niggers?” That Mr. Brigbam is a staunch supporter of the P. G. ia natural. That he follows up his abuse of every man nnd especially woman—he doesn’t care for ' women —is obvious, and tbat he will defend bis staud by lying most outrageously is wbat eoukl be expected of a man with bis principles. Read tbe following: “We bave never bad sncb a Governrnent, - ’ be says enthusiastically. “Tbere was never sucb prosperity beforo, and thore were never sucb fair bopes for future. I have seen tbree or four raonarcbs eome aud go in Honolulu, but no Government ever gave tbe satisfactiou to tbe people tbut tbis one does. Tbere are disseutients, but thev are few and insignificant. Are we going to throw over this sonnd stable form of Governraent for tbe sake of tbe old monarch\? No sir. All this talk about putting tbe Queen again ou tbe throne is the most arr.mt rot ever uttered. I ean t understand how it pavs the newspapers to print it. The Queeu, under the new constitu tion whioh she promu!gated, wonld disfranchise every white man not married to a squaw. We bave uever, for iusUnoe, bad a native fit tooccupy tbeSupieme Court Bencb. Fancy sucb a person • judge of the Snpreme Court! No, the Queen restored woukl niean national anarchy. tbe confiscation of propertv, ar.d a score of other evils. Ijet her remain a deposed monarch and no harm wili be done to an\’body.” Tbe professor doesn’t like the Japanese residents in Hawaii. Perhaps they haven’t fit‘subjects’ for his phvsiological (?) examinations. At least. be condemns ! them in tbe following manner: Tbe “most worthless people in i the islands” arc the Japanrse j They are aiwav» on strike. Two | or tbree bundred of them may be employed. A dispnte arises over the quality of the riee. Thev strike, march iuto the eapiial. create a distnrbance, get hned. and sobseqoentIy return to their work. The work ia continoed. anotber strike takes plaee, and

the old game is repeated to the emL After reading the above, we trust that nobody ean be sarpriseil that this “professor’’ has pre ferre<l to give a stranger recentlv imported from the colonies a situation in the museum rather than giving bread and butter to sorae unemployed gra\luate of the schools founded and supp>rted by the same Hawaiiuu source from whieh the “pro fessor” derives his bread and butter. But perhaps the new man made a better “picture” for the collection.

The annexatiou organs coutain a lvertisements advising tbe “preserved citizens" to get aroun iu the day time. Frieiul Smith who is to pay for tbese ads. iu tbe mahope? TJiere are lots of Christmas pre sents to be had but demand is awfuliy slow. Tom Lindsay the jeweller will fiud you any tbing you want eitheir f>r the “mon” d.*ar or for tue a-s.” The Holomua is ob!iged for a pass received from the Oahu Compuny. We always hope tbat tbe great enterprise whieh has been v developed through tbat company will receive its due reward. “A man named Van Branta has been arresb“d in S,iit Luke City for passing spurious checks. ile claimed to be a bearer of despatches frv>m the Hawaiian Governmenl to President Cleveland. —(Hawaiinn Stnr.) Sliouldn‘t be surprised if be was. Tnat is the class of iieople tbe present government have for the;r supporters. Tbe Star says: “And what of our situation to-day? Our women and «ged, the belpless aud dependent, are filled witb anxiety lest tbe President of the l nited Stutes, by unconstitutional nse of hia powers, raav cariy out bis tbreats and forcibly cbange the form of government, and condemn their hosbands and fatbers, or sons andbrothers, to the punisbment of semisavages.” That sounds quito poetical. Bnt wbat abont tbe “womonaml aged, tbe belpless aml dependeut, the husbands and fathers, tbe sons and brotbers,” wbo have been treated like beasts and condemned at tbe bind of tbe present government, during tbe past year? C!an a cbange of government be any worse thau tbe prosent one? No. ——■—mm