Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 77, 17 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

F0L1CE S5WS. The Datch*go oat, the Irish go in. >PUKTI>t» SEWS. The pheasaiits are baving a rest. Who the deace shot Galbraith’s chickeus? He is Responsible. It is ®ow proper to remember that the Marsha! is responsible for all the actions of his sabordinats, and tuat he ean be reached throagh a damage sait.

The Marshal’s Pet. A 3Iakawao Xt>lody, aa Snne at the Seminary. For he’s on the Poliee force now, Last Sunday he arrested a eow. The boys give him the laugh He said the eow had ‘‘licked” her calf And he’s on the poliee force now! Distinguished Visitors. Lieutenant T.'T. Sohne of the Imperial Japanese navy who visits these īsluuds as a special correspondent of the Tokio JiyoushirtJmn und a member of the Immigrant Association ofJapan visited the Holomua ofiice this morning in corapany with Mr. T. O. Sugawara of San Francisco. The latter gentlemau has been here before and is mueh interested in the welfare aud the obtaining of civil rights for his country men in Hawaii nei. Both geutleraen will probably depart bv the next stearaer for Japan, aud there roport the position of the Japanese in Hawaii under the present circumstances to their friends and associates. An £nterprising Pcstmaster. The Postmaster in Lahaina is evidently not working for nothing. One of our remarkable laws is that all Postmasters shall keep revenue staraps for sale and of course sell them at the face value. M'e are informed by a gentleraan recently returned from Lahaina tbat reveuue stamps Oien are qnoted at $1.10 a pieee. That man ought to be a cabinet miuister. i i 1 i ) I ] < i i \ ( e a ■' ii a a ■1 ■

BAND CONCERT. The P. G. band, will give a concert at Emma Sqnare this evening. Following is the programme: P *rt L 1. Orertttre—“Poet »nd Peiuni’... Sappe 2. Pieeolo So!o—“Throagh Tbe Air" Soio by Mr. L. Ba«otti. 3. Cornet Soio—“P»I*ce BogW Weisaenborn SoIo by Mr. Ch»ries Krenter. 4. Grand Seiecticn —“I Manin'. Donireiti Pa*T n. 5. Me>lley—“Popnl»r» Aia" Kappee 6. Wa]tz -"Mmstrel SoogB"(by reqaestt ...................... .Berg«r 7. Schottiscbe—"Sveet Sixteetn>~ (by t**l»«t) Eoilioion 8. Marrh—"High Sch-*>I C*deto" (by reqoest) Son*n ■'Uawaii Ponw." A Qneer Devil.~ ‘ Good morning, Satan.” said the imp. “How are yoa this morning?” ‘ AIiserable, Impy, dear.'’ - ‘‘Whai'a the ntatter?” *‘Oh, I feel ao good.”