Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 77, 17 Kekemapa 1893 — Our Visitors. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Our Visitors.

The geniai and popnlar manager of the Concert Company whieh has deligbted our musical world dnring the past fortnight, Mr. M. L. N. Plnnkett is making hosts of friends. and in company with those talented artistes the Misses Albn, whose career he is overseeing, is staying amongst ns for a few weeks longer prior to departnre, and enjoying the

sports aud scenesof Island Iife to eam- away pleasant reminisce-nce« and experiences of Island life nntroubled by its poliiieal disputes. Crab fishing. surf-riding, boating, etc.. have combined to to make them ihink our Island lile something to look forward to, as a haren of enjo}Tnent when artistic inumpha pall and managerial snccesses bare reaped that pecuniary harrest so well deserred, and so ungrudgingly bestowed on real roeril