Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 77, 17 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

-Cv3fu$urancr ilotirr$. FĪRE & MAKINE Thk Um.ekmoneI) is authorized to take Fire and Maiine Hisks on 33uildings, M©rchandise. ldulls, Car<roes, Freis:lits and , Commissions, Curreut Rates in the fol!owing Companies, viz: Insatance Co - - - Lwerpool Assurance Fire S' Marine, - Lonāon Wilhehna of Madgeburg Gen’l. Lns. Co. S an Insurance Co., - - Francisco ,T. S- AVALKER, Ag-ent for Hawaiian IslaDds Telephonks ;, Bell 351 Mulual 417. Residence : Mntual 410. P.O. Box ll 7 E. B. THOMAS, Contractor u! Buildcr Estirnates Oiven on Alll Kinds OF BHICK, M,« i W0eBH) EUIUiNI All Kinds of Jobbing in thc Building Trade Attcnded to. KEEPS FOR SALE: Brick, l.ime, Cement, Iron Stone Pij)e and Ftttings, 01d New Corrug«tetd lron, Minion Tiles, Qoarrv Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; C dif >rnia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. ( Comcr King <51 Smith Sts. OFFICE <51 YARD : - OfBce Hours, 8to la M., ( ito4P. M. A VAiT co,‘Ti*T yin[ icsoosES:Owing to onr constantly i!icreasing business and the great demnnd -<jf an appreciat»ng community, we have eonclnded to offer an opportonity to al! parties having eapilal. Oor LINE of SCHOONEKS m«v be aeen gliding over the BAR filled to their utmost onrrying capaoity with clear, eool and iovigorating tni s$r , \um beer At the “Anchpr Saloon.” To accommodate our Vast Fleet of 8chooners, we have “>nilt a fine large Refrigerator regardleaa 6f cost * •33bu© “iinela.oi,^ I» the on!y plaee where C« ol Olaaa of Fredericksbt draugbt ». JiOW ickst»urg Beer ondrawht ean be had »n Honololu. Step forward gentlemen, NOW’S the Time. oc!4 3/n