Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 77, 17 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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————— I ho is commander-in-cl\ief now? Exhih;t “A" has arrived from Lahaina. B «nd C >ncert at Emma Square thīs evening. The Tiser reporter ofl. The Ohampion does not !eave to-morrow. *■ The ’Jiser announces two or three r>y:dists yarns this rrorning, ha?hed up in the r own office. M here was the great T. B. going to \vjth his gun from the Arlington this morning? Why were those empty cases ' taken to the Foreign office the other day? Charles NordhofJ’s statements are to be believed in preference to thoso of L. A. Thnrston. The P. G. spies are so wido awake that they cannot tell pineapple boxes from gun boxes. Captains Barker and Nelson of the Philadelpbia and Adams, with ladies drove up to the Pali this forenoon. The Star is quoting remarks said to have been made by, naval officers. We do not believe a word of it. In fact Naval officers should be careful what they say to anybody. Thore are persons in this town mean enough to give thera away to the Star. A P. G. watching the drill of the boats from the war ships in the harbor the other morning, fhought that the men were preparing to land. He made the remark, “They are coming,” and scooted up street. The U. S. Revenue Cutter Corwin brought the despatches whieh we expected the S. S. Peru to bring last Saturday, henee the non-arrival of that steamer. An item in the “Ka Leo o ka Lahui caused a number of Hawaiians to assemble on the wharves looking ont for an expected Ianding of naval forces. e cautīon naval officers to be rery careful what they say to or before a Star represdWtative. He would not hesitate to plaee any officer in an nnfortunate predicament. • ____ One lieutenaut, 2 sergeants, and 18 men of the poliee force, all Hawaiians, were dismissed from the force this forenoon, becanse they refused “to carry arms against the naval forces,” and “expressed their willingness to support a monarcbica! government. Overheard on the street S. E. B. to B. F. D. “We have first made op our minds to die.” (oor hair, possibly. Ed.) THE £PTTAPH. Stcanger drop a passing tear, Here Iies, Here lies (He ean t lie in our eolomna Ed.)

Somebody bas beea attempting to tamper with the ielephone operators on daty at nights. The b«!nre has so far been signifi> cant. Is the Robinson Hall c<?rner of King Street and Nnuanu Street turned into an armon M hat is the T. M. brigade doing there anyhow? Wby don’t thov go to work? | “Ladies favor gentlemen! gen tlemen favor !adies!” Oh! howly Moses! Wh»t a german in the suburbs. Bnt what au easy way to get rid of old stock of red. yellow aud green ealieo! % What were those men looking at, througb spy glasses from the tower of the Palaee Building this forenoon? Something thev did not see. Did they expect to see anything? Why wasn’t George C»vanagh searcbed at the station house the other evening? The Advertiser reported as nsual lies in its report of the scandalous gunsearching—expedition at the honse of Mr. CoIburn. As the poliee officers are too loyal and too sensible to take up arras—with W. O. Smith, agaitist the U. S. forces, or against their couutrymen, they are beiug rapidly dismissed by the patriotic marsbal. Never miud bovs! Ybn will be back in short order. It is touching to see one man on top of the poliee station watching the Naniwa, and Cbampion, and another one on top of the Palaee watching the Phihulelphia and Adams. The “gentleman” on the Palaee is furnisbed with a chair. Jndging from the coraplexion of the newly enrolled polieemen it will be advisable for shopkeepers and people having offices to double loek their doors and hire special guards. The saloons shou!d take special precantions. It is s:tid that the Misses Albu will in reooguitijn of the enthus5astic reception they have received here generously give a concert in aid of one of the loeal institutions, probab!y tbe funds of Kawaiahao Cuurch. True artistic feeling is ever combined with freest generosity. Menlion bas been made that Mr. Blount did not take the testimony of the Boston’s officers. The statement of Lieut. Commander Swinburne and Lient. Draper have been published here. What is the matter with them? Tbere were others on board, ready to corroborate the statements of Swinborne and Draper. in perhaps a more emphatic manner. Our hoteI—Tbe Hawaiian Hot«I (not Royal as 8tevens calls it) bas received another ieaf to its laurels j ia tbe bappy appreciation of il? j comfurts from thoee giftai song- ! stresses the Misses Albu and their ! gentlemauly manager Mr. PlunkeU ī who state that tbe mauagement. service, and couvenicnees are fully up to the bcst procurabie iu Europe or the States, and io addition tbev have a special word for the gallant Oolouei who has tipped the giiding with his specia. conrtesy and persooal care for their thorough enjoymeat of their first viait to the Taland>.

So the government is prep*ring itself to pay its Octol>e» bdls. Tbat is good after tbe bravado statement made by the Minister of Pinanee some mouths ago, that in fnture all bills wouhl be paid montbIy. Thev were not going to pay accounts the way tbe monarchists did. No. that is troe, this government doeSh t the otber did.