Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

POl'Nl) MASTEH*S NOTICEXoQce » herefr*v gi»»B to «tl pcrst>Ds. th*t i thcn* is it tbe G<>»eninier>t Poand »t Mi f kiki, Ih» (ollowini; 4 <x>ws «ad 2 horses : 1 Red oow, braod indescrir»«bie on nght hip. .) II »| tt »« •* *• • • J |l •« II 4« •« •• •• .1 •« •« «« «• •* •• vhite sp >l on the foi»he«d. 5 1 M«rv. vhite »po« on for»ā«id. bnnd indrachb«hle. 6 1 StalUoa. vhite sjx>t *n forehe id, br»nded 5- on the left lup. Any penou or persons ovaing tbes« oov> and hoises. «re re<jnested to co ue and take the sinc on or hefore !*- o'dock noon of 8ATURDAV, Dec. 23ni. !Sltt. JAMES Kl’KONA, Poaud Mastc'. M.ikiki, Dec, 12. No. 71-!v WANTED. A geutle BUGGY HORSF. for F«mily u«>e. repor* to-TRACY’S Store on King street, ne\t <loor from Holomua oflice, on Thorsdays and Frid.tys. del4 5w ī(amehameliajScliool CELEBRATES HER Founder’s - Day ON —: TUES0AY, - DEG. 19, 1893 SPEECHES in HAWAIIAN by well known Hawaiiuna. A BATALLION DRILL bv the School Boys, Music by Kamohameha Cadet Band. LUNCHES provided on the Gronnds for all, aud the Boys will close the dav wi"th SPORTS. The day is a Hawaiian one, and the Sch-x)l particularly desire Hawuiians to be present. Tbe Boys will make you weleome E\ercises from 10:30 a.m. to 4 30 P:M. , del2 Iw L. H- DEE, JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, and Beers. HOTEL ST., between Fort and Bethel s*reebs. Christmas Presents The nndersigned beg leave toeall the attention to a large assortment of tasteful and elegant Jeweliy, saitable for Chiistmas Presents. Hawallan Flag Pins, ia ditferent siz> s. irlawaiian Jewelry, a 8{)ecialty. If you want to buy an elegant and «t the same time an ineipensive Christmas Present. eall aronnd and inspect my stock. THOS. LINDSAY. Mclu«rnjr BIock, Fort St. Uouololn decl tf Y okohama Bazaar, Corner Nunann <fc rfotel »ts. Jost Received a New Lot of JAPAIESE EAIOI GOODS FOK Xmas Presents SILK eANDKEHUHlEFS, COTTON CRAPE of Different gn»des Straw H*U. Toys, 4c. de9