Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I ESTABLLSH£D A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKERY and I ldE Clf AM P^LO^ F. HORN, Puoprietor. PRACTICAL i Coūfectioūer d Omameiitep Iq ill branches of the bnsiness on thest island8, AMEEIOAN. FRENCH. ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. i Weddiqg \ Birth-dag dJ\^E0 Mnde of tbe verv best m;iteriul, unsm*passed in richness of quuli ty and ornamented in unupproachable stvle. at lower prices than any other estabhshiueiit in Honolulu. Famiiy \ Fancij EPeaii, Guava Jelly, Preserved Tatnariuds and Tamanud Syrup. ALL C0NFECTI0NERY Manufactured at my Establishment are Guaranteed t"> be PosiTIVELI Pube and sold at prices uo other establishment ean compete with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Stkeet. Between Nnuann and Fort Streels BOTH TELEPHOXES Ko. 74. NAN-YU-SHOSHA. JUST RECEIVEDfrom JAPAN Several Kind of Co.ton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts iu diflferent qnalities. of poi'eelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Curios suitable for Christraas Goods. 411 KING STREET, Honululn. Telephones, Bell 474. P.O. Box .1S6, Mntnal S44. m>13 Im C.T. AKANA MERCHANT TAIL0R, 324 Nnnauu Street .A.1I Suits Ouaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cieaned and Repaired. nol7 WING WO TAI & Co.. No. 214 Nau<mn Street, CŌMM1SSI0N MERCHANTS, ImportCTB aud D«*lers in Gt\\'L HERCHAXDIS£. F me Manila Oigars. Chiuese and J,-q>anvse Crock’rywnre. Mattings. Vases of all kmds, Camphonrood Trnnks. Ratt.tn Chairs. a Fine Ajsortcient of Dress Siiks, Best Brands of Chinese aud Jap»nes9 Teas .of Latest lmportMtious. inspection of New Goods Respectfnllv Solicited. Mutual Tel. 266, P. O. Box 158.