Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 Kekemapa 1893 — More Tampering. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

More Tampering.

It has been well nnderstood lately that there has been a great deal of tampering with the tele phone offices in thi? town by tho agents of the P. G.. We »re iuformed that the prominent “fighter” of one of the poliiieal organizations a few days ago ap- | proached the operators in a ' certain telephone office and ; made a request that eommnni ! cations be made with certain P. j G. fellows whenerer certain Royalists were calied for over the wires. The operator naturally refnsed, ; and informed the “boss’ of the eoneem of the fact. We men { lion this for the special benefit of j Messrs Campboil and Godfrey ! Brown of the Bpll Telephone, and Messrs Widemann and C. O. Berger of the Mutual Companv. Tbe government are having their hands fnll. Our sympathies are there.