Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 December 1893 — HITCHCOCK'S IDIOTS [ARTICLE]
JTJEN'S PLAOE TAKEN BY EVANS. i Outrages by the Poliee PROMINENT HAWAUAN8 R0USED At Mid-Night from Bed. Ladies Intimidated by the Ruffians The Marshal’s Pet Onee More in His Role of a Bull-dozing Bull-puncher. i All this Fuss and Scare, and now, the Marshal Apologizes. • i At fiftten mmutes after midnight , iast night Mr. John F. the » Minister of the Interior of Her ■ M:tjesty the Queen was roused out ’ of his sleep by the arrival at his > residence of a uumber of polieemen I nnder the command of Deputy > Marshal Arthur Br»wn, with ’ whom was the notorioua *‘senior captain” Lorrin Andrew, a near relation of the e q u a 11 y uotorious statesroan Lorrin Andrew Thurston. Mr. Brown prod«ced a warrant sigued by District Judge Lutber Wileoi authorizing a search to be made of the preroises of Minister Colburn. The reason alleged m justification of the search was that a large quantity of arras and aramunition were secreted on the premises mentioned. Mr. Colhnrn who acted as courteous and gentleraanly ( as could under the circurnstances be desired, informed marshal Brown that there were m his . honae three rifles and one revolver. One rifle aud the revolver were duly registered at the pra--per time and tbe roarshal was aware that those weapons were in the possession of Mr. Colburn The two other rifles were brought to Mr. Co!hurn’s house from Kahala, when that pleasure resort waa abandoned by the gentlemen who enjnyed flshitig shooting aud other ep >rts—at that plaee. One of the r'.flis ie supposed to belong to Ju lge Whiting, and the other is the property of some ether friend of the Kahala crowfl. The Advertiser tries to make eapiial outof the affairand picture« Colburn as “burning with rage” and the ‘‘women’’ very angry. We do not know fn»rc whom the Advertiser haa received its information, but it seems evident, that Captain Andrew muet have furniehe<l the material of the report. The ladies of the Colburn family were by no means disturbed by the intrw?ion of a lot of rowdy poliee offieni. Mr. Colburn especiallr desire8 te ment:on thc verv considerate manner in whieh Mr. Arthur Brown conducted the—to him at lea»t—surely unnleasant task. At the same time we must make a remark on ihe boorish aelion of the Makawao hulloek boy who traverse»i tbe bednx>ms of the
Iadies with his head c«>vered *nd oven- other disp?»y ealeaIated to prove his innate valgaritv. lt was aufortnnate that tbere wasa't a c;tt avdilable, or be would have been served with it. The “.senior” eaplain didn't carn' a lasso for onee. Well nj>on an investigation it was leameil that the report whieh was received bv tbe Marsbal. and whieh iuduced bitn to make a bowling ass of himself was caused by the importution tbrongh the finn of W. G. Irwic aud Co. of four boxes of pine-apple plants whieh arrived hero by the Mariposi. j These boxes were forwarded a few days ago to the residence of Minister Colbnrn, and the dirty spies of the Marshal naturally nuule capital of tbe atfair. That tbe P. G. are doing «II they ean to prevent and ehoek the industries whieh Messrs Thurstdn, Eiumeluih and tbeir gang have pretendedto furtber is natural, but if a man who imports the fiuest kind of pineapple plants is to be insulted, aml outxaged for doing so by a mentally and physically defective man like E. G. Hitchcock it is rather worse than we expected. The rttoruey of Minister Colburn, Hon. C. W. Asbford, called together with tbe Minister on Mursbal Hitchcock to day and made a demand for an explanation, and for the rifles whieh the polieo ofiicers stole from his residence. The Marsbal was extremely affuble and offered to make all the redress in bis power to smootb over the outrage whieh his spies led him into committing. Miuister Colburn desired to be placed face to face with the informer, who was the immediate cause df tbe perpetrated oatrage, and we understaud tbat both the Marshal and Judge Wilcox are anxious to clear np a matter whieh has caused s> many comments and created so mueh ridicule. W« shall in our next issne fully explain and take up the raatler of Niek Peterson and Ge<>rge Cavanngh and as fur as they are eoncerned fully expo»e the lying propens ties of the raorning rag and the idiotic attempts of Ihe redheaded (with obIique-lye to aeeompaniment) Marshahto brow-b«at and bull doze tuxpayers of this country.