Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 76, 16 December 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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P. G. in the soup. •Spies are nnmerous. The P. G. crowd is very, very s'ck. W iiose gun is to be caught tonight. Stocks in theinnnlerassociation are quoted at helow /xtr. Be careful to-night boys or ) T onr best girls may be rnn iu. It is now in order to swear that ym did not s ; gn the Anneialion Roll. More rumors in town to-dav than have beeu spread for a long whilo. There is a wedding to uigbt. All succoss to the bridegroom and bride. The Tims and Macs are app*rently just as intelligent as the Drei Hundred, in diecovering mare*e nests and alleged pIoU». Hc»or.v>! bovs!! The dance at the Portland Qotel last night was a perfect success. The popularity of that establishment has been solid and we the tnanager all kinds of good luek in bis enterprise. The schooner “Vine" arrived this morniug ou ils way to Samoa. Mr. Joseph Strong the taleuted artist is on board and is looking extremelv well. Some of the Somoan trouj>e stopjied in the Statas where they intend to fkjuauder the dollars whieh they made at the Fair.