Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
U «yal Hawaiian Opera House ! TO-MOREOW Saturday Evenlng, December 16, 1893. LAST APPEAKANOE 0F THE Misses ALBU The crowded house was nnstinted in its applause throughout the Concert, and music lovers of Honolnlu will recall Iast night as a Red Letter day. Saturday Evening nest, Dec. 16. >Xi ss Albn Will sing "Good Bve” (Tosti) and ‘ Tell Me My Htart.” Miss Rose A, lbu “II Bacio” and “When the Heart is Youug” (Dudley Buck.) Tlie Misses A ll»ii Duets “Oh Remembranza,” from Opera of Nonna, and “Te Banks and Braes,” Specially Arranged. £3C* Seats ean be reserved at L. J. Levey’s. 7ō-2t. POL'M> MASTER’S NOTICE. Xotiee is her6by given to &ii persons, tkat there is at the Gorenunent Ponnd at Makiki, tbe folki«tng 4 strared coars aad 2 borses : I Ked eow, brand iade>crii,«ble on right hip. 9 •• •• •• •* •• •• ., J •• “ H «I 44 44 44 *4 44 44 44 44 44 44 vhite spot on the forebead. 5 1 Mare. »hite spot on forehc«d, bran>. ind*sjcribable. 6 1 Stallion, vhite spot *n forebead, brand ed 0- on the left Inp. Anr penon or peraons ovning cov* and horses, «re reqnested to eoaie ane Uke the s*me on or before 12 o eloek nooi of 84IUBDAV, Dec. 23W, 1893. KUKONA. Ponad Maso r. Aiakiki, Dec. 12, 1883. Xo. 71-U