Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 75, 15 Kekemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Xever mind the cat! Restoration all set’ l Wko vxi.i fetched h.omef The Royali*t* are ,l divorcing.’' Th« La ntem ivasn’t kicked la*t nirjht. The P. G. is safe—“Holy Joe” is back. Stevens does not deserve anv sympathy. How mueh opium was landed from the Manna Ala? The “pension-varn” is a fraud. We are there to stay; t To-morrow the Albu sisters , will give their last concert. The Star refers to the U. S. i Consul Genera4 as “little Mills.“ i » The tax payebs demand tbat the ; weekly statements be announced ; in proper form. ) Somebody is bnying rifles aecording to an advertisement in our issue of to day. The AIbu concert was well attended. The next concert takes ' plaee on Saturday. ► A buggy horse “gentle” “for faraily use,’ : is wanted at Tracy’s store. Our readers will take note. It is the proper thing now-a-days to start a rumor, and when it comes back to you to deny any kuowledge of it. The Kinau left this afternoon. Mr. Geo. C. Beckley resumed his position as purser and is now landing potatoes at Makena. Wh y is it, that the weekh’ Ananeial statements are not published now, in the same shape as they have been for mouths past? Another Concert by the Misses AIbu to-morrow evening. Remember that it is the last one, If you have not yet heard them, do not miss this ehanee. The statements made by Dole, Damon. Waterhouse, Wundenberg, and Soper to CoI. Blount, prove very concluslvely that Mr. Stevens denials are not true. If other loeal papers will not do so, the Minister of Finance is informed that the Holomua will publish the Ananeial statements in form, if a copy is sent to its oflice. Tho tax payers demand it. The telephone again. Two ladies conversing. Onesavs,“I feel ven- sorrv for my brother. ’ The other savs, “it is not our fault, he would side with P. G.’s and aeeepi a seat in the Advisory Council, against our wLshe». M Tbe Advertiser imheeile stated this moming, that Col. BIounfs statemeuts are “perverted and false.’ How about the statements made to him by Dole, Damon, Waterhonse. Soper? They are not false, are they/