Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 73, 13 December 1893 — The Official Guillotine. [ARTICLE]

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The Official Guillotine.

The vacation whieh the exocative eouneil is taking is swelling thc manly bosoms of the patriots of the Club, and the League, and the Reserve with a just indignation. It does look suspicious when we see that the ministers appear tired ont, after the killing of on!y three victims and all these in the department of the minister of hnanee, who pretended to fight against the “killing” ■aove. The following are some of the more prominent victims of the hatred spite and personal ill feelings of the sapervirtaous members of the P. G. Wilson, Cleghorn, ,Boardman, Tripp, Lloyd, Merhten, Thrum, Hill, McGurn, 01iver Stillmsn, Charles Stillman, Maule, Stupplebeen, Chester Long, Reuter, Pikao, Wundenberg, Woods, Widemann, Smithies. In a few days it will be too late to add aoy raore scalps to this list, so we mnst encourage the government to make haste even if Mr. Dole considers it ad\nsable to be sick and stay home until the AlameUa anrives.