Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 73, 13 December 1893 — What R.W. Wiloox Says. [ARTICLE]
What R.W. Wiloox Says.
The fact of the dynamite sticks having been found refreshed the memories of several |>eople: j :»mongst whom was K.W. Wilcox : It brooght r collections of tlu frustratiou of an attempt at revo- i i l*ition in the early p:irt of 1892. I D. L. Huutsraan, now dece »sed. 1 occupied himself in securing certain chemicals for the parposc of inaking dynamite sticks, while Wagner, now detective, put them together. When Wilcox and ->thers were arrested, the dynamite sticks were bnru d iu (now ! Oapt.) Klemme s vard, it was 1 • J supposed never to be resurrected. Before they were buried A. Herring, now in prison, used to take the.se sticks and experiraeut with thera on Punehhowl, blowing up trees, M agner was jnbiiant ofhissnccess aud nsed to boast abont being able to blow up the whole town.— Daily Bulldin, June , 1893. R. W. Wilcox was seen eoncerning the above stateruent made by him at the time and said thut it was a correct stateraent. 1 n addition he said that npon one occasion Wagner eame to him and j said that there was a large quautity of giant powder at Nnuann and asked to help hira to steal it and he refused. That he was told by several concerned in the matter that afterwards a portion of the raaterial was buried in Klemme’3 yard and a portion was buried on Punchbowl.