Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 73, 13 December 1893 — WAS IT A PLOT ? [ARTICLE]
Three Bombs Found on Oie Ex-Queen*s Premises. Beīieved the Barracks \cas the OhJective Poirtf. The polioe secared sonie verv daniiiging evūlence lust evoning ftguinst the rovalists or their sympathizers. It is in the forra of three bombs, eaeli ul>out nine inches lor.g aml ono ineh in dianieter. They are filie«l with an explosive of some kind, supposed to be fulminute of mercnrv, the strongest kind «»f an e\plos vo known. The threo bombs, with a stnall \ ial of tl?e snbst;mce. was fonnd on the premises of the exqneen, in the rear of Wasbington Plaee. The story of the discover\ - of the bombs is as follows; Last night about eleven o’eloek, Captain Klenime of thernoanted patrol, while taiking to the gnard on Beretania street, saw thrcenatives stuuding in tho shade in McKibbin’s lane. They wero in conversation. A few moments luter a haek drove down the l«netowards Beretania street. It stopped, and two of the men got in it, while the third man walked np the lane in a hurried manner. He appeared to have something uuderneath his co.it. This aroased tho officer’s snspicions, so he sturted after the man, who had eommenced to run. The fugitive paid no attention to the officer’s cry of “halt,” so Klemme fired a shot in the air to frighten the man. The shot did not bave the desired et!ect, and the man escaped through some bnshes. In the meantime Captain Harry Jaen arrived on the spot, and a systematic search was made for tho man, but he eoahl not be foand. While the officers wore searching for the man they found a bag rolled up and deposited near a shed on the premiscsabove stated. They unrolled the bag and foand the bombs whieh were taken to the station hon.se. Ther only iuference to bo drawn from the incident is that an attempt wa- to be made last night to blow ap the barracks. After the bombs were conveved to the station hooso Jnen had a startling and painful experience. In esaminining the \-iaI. whieh was fall of the explosive, sorae of it remained on his fingers. A few moraents later he lit a cigar and in some way the hot asbes eamo in contact with bisfingers, and in a fraction of a second tbere was a loud report and his hand was thrown haek violently. Oatside of a swelling and a feeling of nambneas his hand was injumL — P. C. AdvertUer t June 1*1, '9$.